Monday, December 6, 2010

WE ARE #95!!!

YEAH!!!! We are so excited to finally be on the wait list! We are requesting a Girl age 1-4 yrs old. I just checked the "unofficial" wait list and most of the families on the list are waiting on babies not toddlers. :) Which means we could jump to the front of the line faster.  Our agency still says that they expect our wait to be 9-12 months. :( We'll just have to "Wait" and see. HA!

Leigh Anne


  1. YAY, so excited for ya'll!! It's so great to see that number!!! :)

  2. YIPEE!!! Trusting in God's timing with eager anticipation!
    Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

  3. Wonderful news! Can't wait to share the journey with your family! love you, Tobi

  4. Congrats!!! Great meeting you in Austin at Glimmer. I'll be following your process :) Hoping to join you on the "wait list" next week!

  5. Congrats on making it to the wait list this week. We got our numbers this week, too. So exciting!

  6. Congrats!! So excting to make the list!!

  7. What an incredible story and journey you and Stuart are taking. Consider yourself one of the very special people that God has spoken to directly. Mark and I are excited for your new addition and will be following closely.

    Love, Mark and Connie Sartory

  8. I was so excited to get your christmas card and see your blog on the back. WOW!! So excited for you and your family. What an amazing journey you are on. Would love to catch up even more on the phone. Have a wonderful holiday. xo Shawnna

  9. it won't take that happy for yall..congrats...can't wait to see the post when you get referral...yayyy, kristi
